Our History Is Already Written (II): Chinatown (2019)

River 瑩瑩 Dandelion

for Zheng Tai Tai and Liang Tai Tai1


You ask us why we fight.
We had no other choice.

My first apartment, Leaking
Roof, Cracked walls
Lined with mold, Fungus
Propagating in living room, Landlord
Cut off heat & hot water, Winter.

Summer came. Said, You haven’t paid rent
Filed lawsuit, Lost.
Threw buyouts at our feet. Said, 

Lick the slits of Benjamins
Thirty years and this home?
Never yours.

Family restaurants
For health & safety.

’Til our own people say,

Stop spitting.
That’s just how it is.
America, the Beautiful.

Rust & rubble tumble Community Mural2
Bars trump 99 Cents Stores
Wyndham Hotel topples Music Palace Theater.3

& What did we do?

We climbed floor by floor
Building by building
Hours into the night.

Pressed ears against doorways
Listened for language. Asked,

Have you eaten yet?
Do you have heat?
Do you have hot water?

Remember the winter we gathered
Outside 55 & 61 Delancey
Demanded landlord meet with us
Tell our children why aching bug bites
& Frozen-pipe seasons.

He pulled up in a taxi
Blonde wife in tow
Mink fur coats shining
Took one look & ran
Called. Said, I want to meet
But I’m scared I’m going to get killed.

We cackled
He renewed leases soon after
Repaired damages
& Finally let us be.

After: 81 Bowery 

Sponge cakes & milk teas for tenant meetings
Shuffle of red plastic bags & It’s getting cold outsides
We met each other’s eyes,
We must organize!

We repaired, Renewed
Leases, Halted
Evictions, Won
Rent freezes for millions in this city.

Landlords grip railings in fear
When they see us.
Can you believe it?
Us, Aunties.


1 This poem is inspired by oral history from Zheng Tai Tai and Liang Tai Tai, longtime Chinatown Tenants Union Organizers with CAAAV: Organizing Asian Communities. They originally spoke at The W.O.W. Project’s Chinatown Movement Series held at 26 Mott St in 2019.
2Wall of Respect for Chinese Workers” mural, created in 1978 by students in JHS 65/ IS 131 and City Arts Workshop, was demolished in 2006.
3 Chuan King Music Palace Theater screened Chinese movies from the 1960s to 2000.